Budhapal,Dist : Deogarh, Odisha

095 563 66859

Principal Desk

It given me immense pleurae to announce the opining of the website for the Panchayat Samiti Degree College, Budhapal. It fulfils our long cherished desire. As per UGC Guidelines and Govt.of Odisha norms, website in a pre-requisite of e-governance in the institution of higher learning. Now the website opens the floodgate of information about the college. Anyone sitting in the cozy atmosphere of his framing room is any part of the globe con download the information about the curricula, faculty, library, self-financing course available in this premier institution and any other information about the college.

I wish the website could benefit the academia, students and the people in general around us to a great exlent.

Our P.S.Degree College

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Our Events


Collage Campus, Budhapal

Annual function of our college in our PSD collage Campus

19 December

Dept. Of Higher Education

Career Counselling Meeting under Odisha Higher education Programme for excellence & Equity

28 Dec

Collage Campus, Budhapal

A meeting to discuss regarding IDP plan prepared to the Dept of Higher Education.

30 Dec

Collage Campus, Budhapal

A Self Defence Programme Held at the College Premises for our Students.

All Events